love’s last earthquake knocked me to the bone
let me know these shocks are almost gone
and that’s one more thing that I have to fix
one more twist in my line
one more wrinkle and one more hitch
watch it all unwind
ripped a hole in my best Sunday heart
and I’ll patch it if I find a place to start
that’s one more thing that I have to mend
missed that stitch in time
one more wrinkle and one more bend
every ball of twine surely will unwind
on a boat that’s drifting from the shore
and I could’ve sworn the moorings were secure
like a sweet old friend who slipped away
I turned around and all I saw was clear blue bay
that’s one more thing that I have to stop
always sailing blind
one more ripple and one more drop
watch it all unwind
that’s one more thing that I have to fix
missed that stitch in time
one more wrinkle and one more glitch
when everything look’s fine
hangin’ on a line, never less than kind
watch it all unwind…
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