August ends, SCHOOL begins
I wanted to learn everything
ride the bus, make new friends,
I wanted to learn everything
Brush College Elementary,
1st grade is a mystery,
please take me to the library,
I want to try the hard BOOKs..
Miss Williamson’s my TEACHER’s name
I wanted to learn everything
Ben and Trevor: my best mates,
we wanted to learn everything
we print our letters, work some math,
sit for stories with our class,
there’s a turtle in the tank in back,
but I forget his name..
QUIZ me now, do I still know how,
every day to be amazed?
quiz me now, have I forgotten how
to be proud of the smallest things?
quiz me now..
Mom taught me how to tie my shoes,
I wanted to learn everything
so I didn’t have to ask at school..
(I wanted to learn everything)
the older kids all seem so big,
they hog the recess slides and swings,
hey, let’s climb the MONKEY bars,
pretend we’re firemen and kings..
quiz me now, do I still know how,
every day to be amazed?
quiz me now, have I forgotten how
to be proud of the smallest things..
quiz me now..
“The song must include:
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