quiz me now



August ends, SCHOOL begins
I wanted to learn everything
ride the bus, make new friends,
I wanted to learn everything
++Brush College Elementary,
++1st grade is a mystery,
++please take me to the library,
++I want to try the hard BOOKs..

Miss Williamson’s my TEACHER’s name
I wanted to learn everything
Ben and Trevor: my best mates,
we wanted to learn everything
++we print our letters, work some math,
++sit for stories with our class,
++there’s a turtle in the tank in back,
++but I forget his name..
++++QUIZ me now, do I still know how,
+++++every day to be amazed?
++++quiz me now, have I forgotten how
+++++to be proud of the smallest things?
++++++quiz me now..

Mom taught me how to tie my shoes,
I wanted to learn everything
so I didn’t have to ask at school..
(I wanted to learn everything)
++the older kids all seem so big,
++they hog the recess slides and swings,
++hey, let’s climb the MONKEY bars,
++pretend we’re firemen and kings..
++++quiz me now, do I still know how,
+++++every day to be amazed?
++++quiz me now, have I forgotten how
+++++to be proud of the smallest things..
++++++quiz me now..

2016 “JUST THIS GUY” songwriting contest entry
“The song must include:
1. The name of an educational institution.
2. A subject of study.
3. What you like/dislike about back to school.
As always, Bonus Points for using the word MONKEY.”

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