I’ve been going down to the Monday night open mic at Club Cafe(and then heading over the equally fine, later open mic at the Rex Theatre.) Lots of folks are taking pictures of performers at Club Cafe, and KS was kind enough to e-mail me some good ones, including this one of me playing “Something Good,” (the song of that title, not just any good song), and wearing a nifty Eat More Kale t-shirt I got at last year’s Falcon Ridge Folk Festival.
Mostly, this last paragraph is great practice linking things to other pages! :]
“Accidentally” heard you sing and play at the Crossroads Coffee House in Philadelphia, PA, whilst playing Scrabble. Great music! Will be looking forward to hearing more if you’re ever back in the area.
Hi! I was the nurse at Waldsee several years. This year I decided not to work on my vacation from my regular job!
I attend the Adult Immersion program. (I should be writing auf Deutsch!)
As I still sing the “Lieder” from Waldsee, I think of you, Paul Magnusson and Brent Brulling. Are you in touch with either of them? If so, please give them my e mail!
Danke. Liesl